MyDiagnostick Medical B.V.

MyDiagnostick Device

Device manual, English (Download PDF)

Device manual, Dutch (Download PDF)

Device manual, German (Download PDF)

Device manual, French (Download PDF)

Please consult the "F.A.Q and Tips & Tricks" document for common questions and answers related to the use of the MyDiagnostick 1001R device and MyDiagnostick Management Studio.

MyDiagnostick Software

MyDiagnostick Management Studio

MyDiagnostick Management Studio is the software for managing MyDiagnostick devices and measurement data. Management Studio currently supports 11 languages (Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish). The software contains built-in help in all supported languages.

if you need help by the software installation, you can download here the installation guide (Download PDF)

Usage of the MyDiagnostick Managment studio is described in the software manual (Download PDF)

MyDiagnostick Management Studio - System Requirements

MyDiagnostick Management Studio can be installed on computers that run:

Windows XP (except Windows XP Professional x64 Edition)

Windows Vista

Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10

Windows Server 2008/2012 and 2008/2012 R2

Other systems (Apple MacOS, Apple iOS, Linux, etc.) are not supported.

MyDiagnostick Device Driver

This software package installs or updates the Microsoft WinUSB driver for MyDiagnostick.

You will not need this software if you have installed the latest version of the Management Studio software.

You should only download and run this software if instructed to do so by MyDiagnostick Medical.

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